Convent 2D images into 3D using the most cutting-edged AI using the most cutting-edged image AI algorithm, it converts 2D images into 3D images, which makes 3D feel so strong that photo painting becomes vivid!
from Quora
png3D use the most cutting-edged image depth detection algorithm and AI deep learning to computationally map the occluded areas for 3D conversion of 2D images.
png3D supports any image, object in the image center produce best 3D effect.
png3D automatically delete more than 3 days of data to save storage costs
In order to cover the high GPU server expense, png3D offer better service for paid users, priority process, hi-res and more
Free tasks is 720p/25fps output while paid is 1080p/40fps and gif output, priority process more faster and support batch process!
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